Rapier Combat within Atlantia



Rapier fighting in Atlantia is governed by an ordered hierarchy of rules.

  1. Kingdom Rapier Rules, defined in Section 3.12 of the Kingdom Earl Marshal’s Policy. These rules define Atlantia’s specific rapier conventions and take precedence over all other rules.
  2. Kingdom Marshal Rules, defined in Section 3 of the Kingdom Earl Marshal’s Policy, excluding the components specific to other forms of combat. These rules define Atlantia’s overall marshal conventions.
  3. Society Rapier Rules, defined in the SCA’s Fencing Marshal’s Handbook. These rules define the SCA’s rapier conventions.
  4. Society Marshal’s rules, defined in the SCA’s Marshal’s Handbook, excluding the components specific to other forms of combat. These rules define the Society’s overall marshal conventions.

In some melee combat scenarios, combat archery may be employed. Combat Archery rules are defined in Section 3.12.5 of the Atlantian Book of Policy.

At events, all equipment or clothing used by participants on the list field must either have a pre-17th Century appearance or be covered in a manner to present such an appearance per Section 3.4 of the Atlantian Book of Policy. For implementation, please see the Guidance regarding Blatantly Modern Items on the List Field.

For youth rapier fighters, additional rules apply as defined in Section 3.9 of Kingdom Earl Marshal’s Policy and the Society Youth Marshal Handbook.

Policy interpretations and addendums

  1. All rapier-MICs must submit an event report even if they are not the MIC. Original Ruling.
  2. Anyone that marshals rapier combat at all during an event must meet with the rapier-MIC to discuss the activities they observed and convey any concerns or issues. Original Ruling.
  3. Individuals may not fight and marshal in the same activity (melee or tournament). If multiple activities occur in a single day, individuals may fight in one and marshal another provided they are not the marshal in charge. Original Ruling.
  4. Warranted rapier marshals may only perform inspections and authorizations for all rapier forms they hold a valid authorization. Original Ruling, Follow-up clarification.
  5. Marshals may not act as an MOL for a tournament they are actively marshalling. Original Ruling.
  6. Fighting can continue even when one fighter has three points of contact on the ground. A hold must be called when a fighter’s torso touches the ground. Original Ruling
  7. Out-of-area regions for MIT purposes are defined as North (Maryland and DC), North-Central (Virginia), South-Central (North Carolina), and South (South Carolina and Border Vale Keep). Original Ruling, Clarification
  8. Masks and helms must be checked for for safety both on and off the fighter each day of fighting. Original Ruling
  9. Fighters may not grasp their opponent or opponent’s weapon excluding grasping heavy rapier blades. Original Ruling
  10. Fighters may run but may not strike hard nor have body contact with another fighter while running. Original Ruling
  11. No more than four (4) fighters may attack a single (1) opponent. Original Ruling
  12. If a fighter is unable to continue fighting, they should grasp their weapons by the blade near the hilt with the tip pointed directly at the ground, and walk off the field without disrupting the flow of battle. If the fighter is unable to safely remove themselves from the field of combat, the fighter should kneel while holding their weapons as previously described until they are able to remove themselves from the field. Original Ruling
  13. Procedures for inspecting Cut & Thrust hand protection
  14. Procedures for inspecting and construction Rapier Spears



Last Modified: 2024-12-18 Revision: