Stel Combat within Atlantia
Steel Combat fighting in Atlantia is governed by an ordered hierarchy of rules.
- Kingdom Marshal Rules, defined in Section 3 of the Atlantian Book of Policy, excluding the components specific to other forms of combat. These rules define Atlantia’s overall marshal conventions.
- Society Marshal’s Rebated Steel rules, defined in the SCA’s Armoured Combat with Rebated Blades (Armoured Steel Combat) Marshal’s Handbook. These rules define the Society’s policies for rebated steel.
- Society Marshal’s rules, defined in the SCA’s Marshal’s Handbook, excluding components specific to other forms of combat. These rules define general marshal policies.
At events, all equipment or clothing used by participants on the list field must either have a pre-17th Century appearance or be covered in a manner to present such an appearance per Section 10.3 of the Atlantian Book of Law. For implementation, please see the Guidance regarding Blatantly Modern Items on the List Field.
Introduction Videos
Last Modified: 2024-12-18