Rapier Marshal Meeting - Unevent 2024
Author: Magister Percival Aldridge, KRM
- Kingdom Earl Marshal: New Master Giacomo Vincenti
- Deputy for Rapier: Magister Percival Aldridge (retiring May, 2025)
- Deputies:
- Master Cailin Blackwood
- Master Dante di Pietro
- Master Geoffrey Gamble
- Laerer Thorgrimr inn Kyrri DEM for Youth Rapier (dotted line)
Marshal & Fighter Stats
- 84 active rapier marshals (3.5% increase)
- 13 MITs
- 5 Youth rapier marshals
- Authorized fighters:
- Heavy Rapier: 396 (20% decrease!)
- Heavy Rapier 2H: 35
- Light Rapier: 144
- C&T: 136
- C&T 2H: 53
- Rapier Spear: 63
- Youth Rapier: Still 0 :(
- 57 reports for 2024 (discounting tests & duplicates)
- 12 Injuries (21%)
- 12 Behavorial Incidents (21%)
- 19 Equipment failures (33%)
- Following event rapier reports are currently missing according to the warrant database:
- Grit War: 11/8/24
- War of the Wings: No report in the system, but also no issue listed on the warrant site
- A list of all authorization attempts INCLUDING WEAPON FORM ANDRESULT (emphasis mine)
- Practice reports not required unless there’s an incident
- No quarterly reporting requirement to this office; that’s a waiver reporting requirement
- None active at this time
- Trying to get Grappling up and running before I retire
- 4.4 All gentles who wish to participate in combat activities in ANY CAPACITY at an event as defined in 4.3.1 must sign in with the MoL-IC of the event. (emphasis mine)
- Spear gauges - Please acquire something and add it to your tool kit
- Chain shirts - MUST be visually inspected per Society rules (9.10). Repairs MUST be done with appropriate metal, such as jewelry jump rings, wire that’s been welded or riveted, etc.
- Tips - Darkwood tips out of stock indefinitely; some recent blunt acquisitions are showing more rubber at the flat surface, leaving more room to bend and punch through the sides
- Rules rewrite still actively being worked at the Society level - SLOW progress
- Calibration - reports indicate a generally upward trend; stop that!