Rapier Marshal Meeting - Unevent 2023
Author: Magister Percival Aldridge, KRM
- Kingdom Earl Marshal: Master Gordon Kinloch
- Deputy for Rapier: Magister Percival Aldridge
- Deputies:
- Master Cailin Blackwood
- Master Dante di Pietro
- Mistress Etain of Sutherland (retiring)
- New - Laerer Thorgrimr inn Kyrri DEM for Youth Rapier (dotted line)
Marshal & Fighter Stats
- 81 active rapier marshals (1% increase)
- 8 MITs (11% decrease)
- 6 Youth rapier marshals (100% increase)
- Authorized fighters:
- Heavy Rapier: 476
- Heavy Rapier 2H: 35
- Light Rapier: 164
- C&T: 140
- C&T 2H: 46
- Rapier Spear: 52
- Youth Rapier: Still 0 :(
- All increased (except youth)
- 56 reports for 2023: 44 events, 2 demos, 10 practices
- 9 Injuries (16%)
- 16 Behavorial Incidents (29%)
- 12 Equipment failures (21%)
- Following event rapier reports are currently missing according to the warrant database:
- Coronation: 10/6/23
- Swamp Wars: 11/10/23
- Rules are to be enforced as written. None of them are optional.
- Outdated interpretations:
- Auth questions are safety questions only
- No dying defensively
- Stop using “light”
- Chain shirts must be visually inspected. That means they must be visible in their entirety to the inspecting marshal.
- Legal spear heads
- Advertise, advertise, advertise
- Society Marshal’s Handbook is no more… Stay tuned
- Sign-in at events: All participants must report to the Minister of Lists (MoL) and either show proof of waiver on file with the SCA Office of the Registry or execute a waiver.
- Unauthorized fighters fighting at an Event: Participants at events may only participate in activities in which they have authorized, with the exception of authorizing activities.
- Any else?