Rapier Marshal Meeting - Unevent 2022
Author: Magister Percival Aldridge, KRM
- New Kingdom Earl Marshal: Master Gordon Kinloch
- New Deputy for Rapier: Magister Percival Aldridge
- Deputies:
- Master Cailin Blackwood
- Master Dante di Pietro
- Mistress Etain of Sutherland
- Still looking for a new youth rapier deputy
- 80 active rapier marshals (3% increase)
- 9 MITs (40% decrease)
- 3 Youth rapier marshals (40% decrease)
- Authorized fighters:
- Heavy Rapier: 433
- Heavy Rapier 2H: 26
- Light Rapier: 152
- C&T: 124
- C&T 2H: 38
- Rapier Spear: 30
- Reminder that we have no “longsword” authorization in rapier
Allen of Wolfhou
- All warrants are suspended through April 1, 2023
- All martial authorizations except Target Archery suspended until April 1, 2023
Rules Updates
- Authorizations at practice no longer require pre-approval, but WILL require a report
- Spatulated tips are clear for use without additional metal discs - please report if you have problems
- Clarified that C&T calibration is NOT higher than heavy rapier
- Rapier spear minimum length is now 4 feet
- Reminder that spear auths are good for both heavy rapier AND C&T
- Grievances are no longer REQUIRED to be aired on the field - use your judgement about following up privately
- 48 reports for 2022: 25 events, 3 practices
- Equipment failures:
- 2 tang breaks
- 1 quillion break
- 7 tip failures including our first spear
- 2 blades bent past safe
- 1 helmet rivet failed
- ALL marshals should review the reporting requirements in Starting in the 2023 calendar year, I will direct my deputies to reach out to the submitter for anything missing prior to approving reports.
- Give us more information than required, please. A report that says “7 auths, 1 failed” is ok, but a report that says “7 auths: Jane Doe, HR - Passed; John Doe, C&T - failed due to calibration;” is MUCH better
- Following event rapier reports are currently missing according to the warrant database:
- Fall University: 9/17/22
- Buckston Birthday Bash: 11/12/22 (although I’m pretty sure there was none)
- Harvest Gathering: 11/19/22
- Official practices require waiver reporting
- I WILL start enforcing the suspension period for missed deadlines outlined in starting in calendar year 2023
- None active at this time
- Dussack experiment is still waiting on approval or rejection from Society
- Likely to join two others at Society level, pending sufficient answers to my inquiries:
- Reduced Armor
- Non-metal weapons alternatives