Rapier Marshal Meeting - Unevent 2018
Author: Master Brian de Moray, KRM
- 95 active marshals
- 34 MITs.
- 137 light rapier (25% increase)
- 339 heavy rapier (36% increase)
- 91 C&T (34% increase)
- 105 reports (41% increase)
- 100% submission for event reports.
- All submitted reports are reviewed
- Submit a report for any problem/concern relating to rapier combat.
- If it’s not reported, we can’t look into it.
- The goal for reporting is to track trends, address concerns, and improve rapier. NOT to punish.
- 4 Concussions (two from both fighters lunging, one from lunging onto a stop thrust, one from an accidental percussive cut during melee)
- Significant bruising to the ribs (both fighters lunging)
- .5” deep laceration to the finger (glove remained structurally sound)
- 2 incidents of Heat-stroke / Heat-exhaustion
- Aggravated pre-existing knee injury (outside of combat)
- Multiple sprained ankles (mis-steps out of combat, bad steps into divots, mis-step on slick glass, etc)
- Blood blister by attempting to parry with weapon and struck with fingers.
- Loss of motion to hands due to poorly fitting gauntlets
- Gorget jammed into the jaw (fighter did a backwards roll upon tripping)
- Blow to solar plex knocked wind out of fighter (both combats attacking)
- Bleeding wound, blow landed then dragged on the arm (blow was “stiff” but not “Excessive”)
Equipment issues
- 3 masks failed (flex of mesh, worn elastic, and exposed sharp edges)
- Gorget failed (multiple popped rivets)
- Many tips being pulled off
- Many darkwood tips blown through
- Multiple blades broken at the tang
- “Cup failure”
- C&T melee is no longer active within Atlantia
- “Combat using Steel Weapons”.
- Description: “The purpose of the experiment is to explore the use of combat using steel weapons. Combat would be limited to singles using sword style weapons (single handed and 2 handed). The exact style, weapons and armour to be determined as a part of this experiment.”
- Initial discussions discussed equipment & force levels which varied between HEMA and ACL, and initial implementation is leaning towards ACL. This experiment is being run by Duke Vlad and Duke Michael. While the equipment looks rapier-like, this is NOT rapier or C&T. After this experiment runs its course, we will likely submit an experiment closer to the HEMA levels of armor & force.
Kingdom Policy Changes
- Reports are due within 7 days now. Injury reports must still be submitted within 24 hours.
- No spears are allowed, it’s now kingdom policy.
- Change C&T language from “will be struck with a harder blow” to “may be struck with a harder blow”.
- Society implemented new C&T hand protection requirements at the start of Pennsic.
New Kingdom Youth Rapier policy
- Three divisions (6-9 with plastic rapier, 10-13 plastic & light rapier, and 14-17 light & heavy rapier).
- Rules of the list & equipment standards mirror adult requirements.
- Requirements:
- Maintain a valid rapier marshal warrant
- Maintain a background check
- Take youth rapier marshal class at least once every three years
- Youth rapier marshal class is being developed.
- We will be putting together a class for kids & their “responsible parties” that must be taken pre-authorization.
- All youth rapier marshals will be able to teach the pre-authorization class.
Discussion Topics
Concussion Training
- All particpants, both fighters and marshals, should take concussion training.
- Signs and symptoms could be delayed, and might not even appear until mentally challenged.
- Current research shows helmets do NOT prevent concussions.
- Please take this free class from the University of Michigan’s Neuroscience department
- All armor must be inspected every day of fighting.
- All equipment tested once every 2 years.
- Combatants can wear additional armor but must understand the impact to blow calling.
- It is up to the combatant to know whether any necessary equipment (such as mask, helm and other safety equipment) renders the acknowledgment of blows in certain areas difficult, and will make every effort to account for this deficiency.
- Common calibration is a social construct.
- Standing still and poking at each other as “Calibrating” is of very limited use.
- Encourage fighters to talk about power levels.
- Discussion should happen continuously, at practice, during pickups, etc.
- Last year, we discussed reports of excessive use of “fleeting contact” as justification for hip checking or shoving someone to the ground using equipment.
- This continues to be a problem.
- Altering an opponent’s balance falls within grappling and is NOT allowed.
Marshal behavior
- Be courteous, but firm.
- Please look up questions in the rules, don’t guess or make up rules.
- Marshals must be willing and able to correct issues on the field, regardless of who is involved, be that royals, peers, or total strangers.
- The chain of command when handling issues is: Observing Marshal -> RMIC -> MIC -> DKRMs, Kingdom Special Deputies -> KRM -> KEM.
- Marshal’s nuclear option is to close the field.
- As long as marshals are courteous, respectful, and do their best, they will have complete support from the KRM
Conduct on the field
- Asking “Are you satisfied with the conduct of this bout” only helps identify extreme issues.
- Watch fighters as they leave the field, and identify fighters that are potentially upset.
- Give the fighter a few minutes to collect themselves, then approach them one-on-one.
- Forcing fighters to resolve problems, on the spot, in front of a crowd, while full of addrenaline is not a recipe for success.
- It is the marshal’s duty to address all issues.
Marshal’s Court
- At the end of every activity (tourney, melee, etc), RMIC must gather all supporting marshals together and discuss the activity.
- Identify and work through any identified issues.
- Interact with fighters involved in said issues.
- Write everything down, include it in the event report.
- The RMIC must attempt ot resolve all issues that day, and report what actions were taken for any issues.
Draft Society Rules
- Society has a draft ruleset available to the KRMs.
- KRMs are working through the changes, suggesting revisions.
- The sky isn’t falling, but there will be some changes.
- Some experiments are likely to be upgraded from “experimental” to “general availability” at a society level.
- Any new component will go through a review & roll-out process before it is made available to the kingdom.
- Expect discussion on the marshal mailing list.